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Konoha Leaf stages 1-5

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Konoha Leaf stages 1-5 Empty Konoha Leaf stages 1-5

Post  Aoba Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:44 am


- Hakagami no Jutsu; Leaf Mirror Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Academy Student.
- Description:
-- By concentrating a small amount of chakra onto a leaf, the user is able to turn it into a reflective surface making it useful for spying, planning an attack, or defending against an attack as well.

- Konoha Tsujikaze no Jutsu; Leaf Cyclone Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Academy Student.
- Description:
-- Somewhat of a cross between Henge and Kawarimi, this technique is used to distract an opponent. By gathering chakra like when preparing to Kawarimi, they instead draw leaves or other such foliage to them, wrapping themselves in it in what looks to be a cyclone. Then, using a slight form of Henge, they can either slip out of this technique unhindered, or make it seem that way. Through this, they are able to plan a variety of different attacks or escapes.

- Konoha No Shuriken no Jutsu; Leaf Shuriken Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Academy Student.
- Description:
-- Using chakra to harden and sharpen a blade of grass or leaf (or similar foliage), a shinobi can make use of the environment around them to create makeshift weapons in an emergency. In this example, a blade of grass could be used like a senbon needle and the leaf could be used like a shuriken. They aren’t very sturdy though, and last only a few moments before losing their rigidness.

- Itazurakko no Konoha no Jutsu; Mischievous Leaf Children Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Academy Student.
- Description:
-- This can technique can only be used on leaves already covering the ground. The user sends in chakra into the leaves on the ground, fully flattening the leaves. Then, the user causes the leaves to become extremely slippery with chakra (like oil slick), which can cause opponent’s to slip and fall.

- Gasagasa Konoha no Jutsu; Rustling Leaves Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Academy Student.
- Description:
-- The user can cause leaves within a forest to rustle loudly, which can be used to distract opponents, as well as bring about attention to the wrong direction.


- Konoha Bunshin no Jutsu; Leaf Clone Technique.
- Requirments:
-- Rank of Genin.
- Description:
-- In this technique, chakra is used to fuse large amounts of leaves into a single functional clone. Rather useless in attacking, it is used mainly as a distraction or shield. When it is destroyed, all the leaves it was made up of scatter and can be used again in other techniques.

- Konoha no Ame no Jutsu; Rain of Leaves Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin.
- Description:
-- The shinobi is able to concentrate on using leaves as a means to attack. Coating said leaves with chakra, they literally “rain down upon” enemies with razor sharp leaves that cut into the skin. These leaves aren’t lethal, though, and can only cause, at most, gashes. But in mass amounts, this can be an extremely useful technique. Also to be noted is that the leaves can be sent flying in any one direction; it doesn’t always have to be aimed downwards upon an opponent.

- Hahishu no Jutsu; Leaf Dagger Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin.
- Description:
-- Using one or two leaves, the user can turn the leaves into dagger-like weapons to use in combat. The leaves do not maintain their state long after the user lets go of them however, and will revert back to leaves after they are out of the users hands.

- Konoha Kabe No Jutsu; Leaf Wall Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin.
- Description:
-- Using leaves and chakra, the user forms a large wall in front of him or her to block an oncoming attack. Not the strongest of walls, vulnerable to Katons and Suitons, it can block many types of attacks dependant on the user’s skill.


- Ryuuko No Jutsu; Leaf Dragon Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin, Chuunin.
- Description:
-- A somewhat fanciful technique, it is nonetheless quite dangerous if used correctly. Gathering a swirl of leaves around themselves using chakra, the user sharpens them considerably and fires them at an opponent all at once. Once it leaves the users arm reach, further chakra gives it the shape of a snake flying through the air, its scales comprised of leaves and its head in the shape of a dragon. Striking the opponent dead-on could prove fatal since the leaves are sharp enough to pierce the skin, but otherwise this jutsu can slice very easily as well.

- Konoha Okori no Jutsu; Leaf Genesis Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin, Chuunin.
- Description:
-- By concentrating chakra within the user’s body, the user can create a large amount of leaves within his/her body, which is promptly spewed out of the user’s mouth, similar to Katon or Suiton. These leaves can be used in the variety of different techniques that require them.

- Kamisori Happa; Razor Leaf Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin, Chuunin.
- Description:
-- As the user grows more adept at manipulating the form and consistency of leaves, they begin to show it in their techniques. In this particular technique, the user grabs a portion of leaves in their hand and molds it into a long, thin rope (about the thickness of a pencil). Sturdy and durable, it also has the annoying property of acting like barbed wire to anyone but the user. The length of the rope is dependent on the skill of the user. The crafted item can be used in any number of ways, from a makeshift whip to even setting traps.

- Konoha no Yoroi; Armor of Leaves Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin, Chuunin.
- Description:
-- Drawing leaves unto themselves, either onto the body’s entirety or just exposed areas, the user is able to harden and camouflage them using this technique. The leaves bend and move as if they aren’t even present, but allow a certain level of resilience while they coat the user. Invaluable to those who are weak against physical attacks, it serves as a buffer to both absorb and deflect incoming attacks.

- Kyo Konoha Makibisi no Jutsu; Great Leaf Caltrops Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Genin, Chuunin.
- Description:
-- A most effective jutsu, the user begins by molding chakra through their gut and heaves it out in the form of artificial and malleable leaves. These particular leaves, though, are both black and green in color with a bumpy, almost spiky texture. Scattered as the user sees fit, they shape and transform these leaves into caltrops on a whim, wherever and whenever they wish. As unconvincing a threat as simple caltrops might be, this is only a piece of the puzzle that composes this jutsu. With further chakra manipulation, the user then further shapes the leaves and has them form sharp, but brittle, spines out of the ground that may injure opponent greatly when in force. This effect, however, can only be achieved at higher levels of mastery.


- Konoha Shunshin No Jutsu; Leaf Instantaneous Body Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin.
- Description:
-- An ability which allows the user to transport from one area to another in a veil of leaves. The user has to have been to the area before, and be able to sense the location with his own chakra before being able to transport himself there. This means that the distance is limited to about one mile.

- Happa Kinbaku no Jutsu; Leaf Bind Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin.
- Description:
-- What would seem like the user simply tossing and directing harmless leaves at an opponent is instead a very useful technique. Instead of harming the opponent, these leaves become remarkably durable and rigid while at the same time attaching themselves to an opponent (most often the arms and legs). In this manner they serve to immobilize and opponents movements. There are, though, obvious limitations.

- Kuzureha Seifuu; Crumbling Leaf Breeze Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin.
- Description:
-- The user takes a handful of leaves and crushes the leaves within his/her hand, while applying chakra into the leaves at the same time. The user then blows the crumbled leaves (now very similar to dust) outward into the air. If the crumbled leaves are breathed in by anyone (including the user) the victim will succumb to effects similar to that of a "lingering poison."

- Konoha Ougigata no Jutsu; Leaf Fan Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin.
- Description:
-- Holding onto a single leaf, the user surges chakra into it and mutates its form. Transformed into a massive, fan-shaped leaf, it holds properties unlike before. Steel-like in composition, it can parry both direct and indirect attacks without being destroyed. Furthermore, it is hefty enough to hurl at opponents, and sharp enough to slice them in two. But the most unique attribute that graces this technique is that it can be swung about to create a sudden burst of chakra-forced wind that might knock an opponent back if caught within its path.

- Asagao Jumoku no Jutsu; Briar Funnel Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin.
- Description:
-- Drawing leaves into their hand, the user hardens and sharpens them with chakra expelling them forth in a vortex-like attack. Different from the many other techniques like it, the leaves do much more than cut, but shred too as they spin and whirl around anything they come into contact with. The gashes this technique leaves are quite formidable, especially considering that the leaves may latch into a person.


- Konoha Hokou no Gyou; Art of Walking on Leaves Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin, Jounin, Special Jounin.
- Description:
-- By focusing chakra into their feet, the user can create a tiny repelling force. This chakra force allows the user to literally stand on top of slender leaves that are hanging off branches or floating in the air, balanced delicately on their feet and toes, and without causing the leaves to fall down any faster than normal.

- Konoha Daishizen no Sonota; Sonata of Leaf Nature Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin, Jounin, Special Jounin.
- Description:
-- The user concentrates a large amount of chakra and then releases it into the environment. Any leaf that the chakra touches (ie. grass, tree leaves, bush leaves, etc.) will become hardened into kunai strength and sharpness, creating a deadly environment that the user can control. The user can control the leaves, turning the jutsu on and off wherever the user moves, but opponents can be gravely injured in such an environment.

- Kaeru Kougousei; Convert Photosynthesis Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin, Jounin, Special Jounin.
- Description:
-- A powerful jutsu used only by the strongest ninja, this is a jutsu that can determine the survival of ninja in dangerous and unfamiliar territory. The user takes leaves and uses this jutsu on them. The chakra enters the leaves and causes the energy within the leaf to become literally edible. One leaf becomes the equivalent of a slice of bread. The water within the leaf can also be used, with ten leaves equaling a small cup of water. More importantly, the leaves can then be used in a variety of manners ranging from healing to detoxifying.

- Shiyakyousaku – Kokueiha; Obscurity of Vision – Dark Leaves Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin, Jounin, Special Jounin.
- Description:
-- The user blows up a huge amount of leaves into the air and causes all the leaves to swirl around the vicinity. This huge amount obscures the vision of anyone within the storm (about 50 feet diameter) and anyone trying to look in. The user uses chakra within the leaves to feel contact with anyone within the swirl of leaves, effectively allowing the user to “see” anyone inside. This allows the user to attack using taijutsu. The user cannot use any ninjutsu or genjtusu without stopping this jutsu. The swirl of leaves also obscures hearing, though no actual damage is done with the jutsu.

- Joukyuu Konoha no Suroi; Advanced Armor of Leaves Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin, Jounin, Special Jounin.
- Description:
-- As the name obviously implies, this technique builds upon the former. Adhering to all the original’s specifics, this one adds one more to the mix: the leaves may be shed from them in a manner similar to Happa Kinbaku no Jutsu [Leaf Bind Jutsu]. When the user is struck by an opponent, the leaves will detach from the user and instead latch onto the enemy. Afterwards, the user will be greatly hindered by the chakra hardened leaves that attack their joints and restrict movement.

- Kage Konoha Bunshin no Jutsu; Shadow Leaf Clone Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Chuunin, Jounin, Special Jounin.
- Description:
-- An extremely advanced version of the original Konoha Bunshin, this bunshin is equipped with a variety of benefits and skills. Composed of the leaves from the surrounding area, this bunshin is not contained to being created solely near the user. Instead, wherever there are leaves, the user may will a bunshin of this caliber to life. Next to that, the properties of this bunshin are that it is composed of the same sort of leaves that are found in Advanced Armor of Leaves. That is to say, when dealt (or dealing) a blow the leaves will disperse from the point of contact and attach onto an opponent and attempt to bind their movements. That is the least of opponent’s troubles, though, as when this bunshin is destroyed it will explode in a haze of leaves gone shrapnel, puncturing and piercing all within an effective range of 10 meters.

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-08-14
Age : 30


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Konoha Leaf stages 1-5 Empty rest of Leaf ninjustu

Post  Aoba Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:44 am


- Happa Erimoto Kinbaku no Jutsu; Leaf Neck Bind Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Jounin, Special Jounin, ANBU.
- Description:
-- The user directs a dozens of leaves into the air straight at an opponent. The leaves hit the opponent, but instead of doing damage, they wrap around the opponent’s neck. Then, the leaves begin to constrict tightly around the opponent’s neck, effectively choking the opponent. The leaves will continue to choke the opponent for fthree minutes, getting tighter and tighter. On the fourth minute, the opponent will lose consciousness. On the fifth minute, the opponent will lose so much oxygen that he/she will die. The leaves can be ripped off by someone with strength greater than the user’s power. Other methods can be used as well, such as chakra strengthened weapons and the like. Opponent permission must be given to use this technique.

- Konoha Sogekihei Hitokiri; Leaf Sniper Assassination Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Jounin, Special Jounin, ANBU.
- Description:
-- The user takes up a single leaf and concentrates a huge amount of chakra into the leaf. Then, with a blast of chakra, the leaf shoots forward at a blinding speed and hits opponents. The leaf is so thin that it would go straight through most things without stopping (only something as or more dense then stone would stop the leaf). If the leaf hits a human body without hitting any major organs, there is little to no loss of health. However, if the leaf were to hit any major organ (heart, kidney, brain etc.) the victim’s organ would be promptly destroyed, effectively killing the opponent. The leaf will travel half a mile effectively if there is no interference (such as stone or iron or steel). Opponent permission must be given to use this technique against an opponent, and even then the jutsu might miss.

- Kyoha Senpuu no Jutsu; Great Leaf Whirlwind Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Jounin, Special Jounin, ANBU.
- Description:
-- The user summons up an incredibly large amount of leaves (about the same as Obscurity of Vision) and uses chakra to harden the leaves into kunai strength and sharpness. The user then causes the leaves to create a cyclone of leaves, whirling madly in a circular motion, with the cyclone being 10 feet wide and nearly 60 feet high. The cyclone can be controlled to move slowly, and anyone caught within the cyclone can be severely injured.

- Kyougo no Hayashi; Weapon of the Woods Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Jounin, Special Jounin, ANBU.
- Description:
-- Within Hi no Kuni, there are none who command the forces of nature as do the shinobi of Konoha. With this in mind, this technique was created to further exemplify their astonishing control. By gathering leaves into their hand, the user is able to fashion any weapon they see fit. From bundles of kunai to a katana, the weapons are shaped by chakra into a material akin to tempered steel, but with added lightness and flexibility. The actual form of the weapon looks brittle, like leaves woven together in a general shape, but this is merely a façade.

- Shugorei no Konoha; Guardian Spirit of Konoha Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Jounin, Special Jounin, ANBU.
- Description:
-- Concentrating chakra around their center, the user performs the necessary hand seals to activate this jutsu. Beginning by spewing out a great amount of oily, unnaturally black leaves, the user draws and molds these leaves with their chakra. The end-result is a humanoid creation of jet black, with hazy white eyes and razor sharp teeth that glint menacingly. Standing at a rigid 7 feet, it is a hulking mass of bristling leaves that, when it moves, shift and sway in turn. A powerful beast, its true purpose is to defend. Moving sluggishly, it is still quick to action and may uplift the ground or call upon a moving wall of leaves to defend the user. However, its life is directly connected to the presence of the user. If the user leaves its side or strays too far, the beast will wither and dissipate. Even then, though, it has a very limited lifespan.


- Kaki no Kadode, Aki no Tourai; Departure of Summer, Arrival of Autumn Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Hokage.
- Description:
-- A deadly technique that manipulates the natural life of a leaf. The user first causes a large amount of healthy leaves to stick onto targets within a 15 feet radius. The chakra within the leaves causes the leaves to suddenly dry, then bursts into flames, instantly causing second-degree burns upon the victim. If the flames continue for at least two minutes, then the burns can increase to third or fourth degree. This jutsu can only be used once a thread and opponent permission is needed. If the opponent’s strength is higher than the user’s power, then the opponent can rip off the leaves.

- Aki no Kadode, Fuyu no Tourai; Departure of Autumn, Arrival of Winter Technique.
- Reqiurements:
-- Rank of Hokage.
- Description:
-- A deadly technique that manipulates the natural life of a leaf. The user first causes a large amount of healthy leaves to stick onto targets within a 15 feet radius. The chakra within the leaves causes the leaves to suddenly decay. The rotten remains of the leaves become, via chakra, a poison (which has the effects of lethal poison) and is absorbed into the opponent’s body to transfer the poison effects. This jutsu can only be used once per day.

- Fuyu no Kadode, Koushou no Tourai; Departure of Winter, Arrival of Spring Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Hokage.
- Description:
-- A deadly technique that manipulates the natural life of a leaf. The user first causes a large amount of healthy leaves to stick onto targets within a 15 feet radius. The chakra within the leaves causes the leaves to brighten and grow a bit larger. The end of the leaves grow small stems, which root themselves into the opponent’s body (rather painfully) and begin to suck away at the chakra within the opponent’s body. The chakra enters the leaves, making the leaves healthier and more beautiful.

- Koushou no Kadode, Kaki no Tourai; Departure of Spring, Arrival of Summer Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Hokage.
- Description:
-- A deadly technique that manipulates the natural life of a leaf. The user first causes a large amount of healthy leaves to stick onto targets within a 15 feet radius. The chakra within the leaves causes the leaves to suddenly multiply all over the opponent’s body, literally covering the opponent from head to toe without a centimeter of skin showing through. The leaves then begin to slowly suffocate the opponent, while at the same time constrict around the opponent’s body tighter and tighter. It soon becomes a race between whether the opponent will lose all his oxygen first or be crushed to death by the constricting leaves.

- Eimai Furouryuu no Konoha; Great Elder Dragon of Konoha Technique.
- Requirements:
-- Rank of Hokage.
- Description:
-- According to some legends, the mountainside upon which the Hokage monuments are carved once housed a dragon of immense size and immeasurable strength. It was said that it was as ancient as the forest that surrounded the mountain, and drew its strength from it. In respect for this myth and in an attempt to recreate it, the user calls upon all the leaves around them, sharpening and fashioning them in a great torrent. Transforming into the gigantic form of a western dragon, equipped with a tail and wings, the user will maintain this form for a limited time.

-- Nearly the size of small a house, at its center is the user, protected as if encased in armor and incapable of using any other jutsu until this technique concludes. From its gapping maw the dragon may fire hardened spears comprised entirely of leaves, which span about 10 feet in length and can pierce even the densest metals. Its hide is a fine composition of defense in the form of large scale-like leaves, capable of weathering even the hardiest of physical or elemental attacks. A truly terrifying technique, only the most revered are in its possession, and for good reason.

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-08-14
Age : 30


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