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Konoha Taijustu I

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Konoha Taijustu I Empty Konoha Taijustu I

Post  Aoba Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:50 am

-- Ryuujin-Fu is a powerful Taijutsu that is based on finese and speed to be properly executed. The force and power from the Taijutsu comes in time with the control of enhancing the users fist with chakra formed into a Katon (Flame). The flames doesn't touch the fist of the users but merely surrounds it. Gloves are required to use this Taijutsu without burning the user. The style is all about the finese of changing speed in a dramatic level, making it nearly impossible to predetermine the users next moves. The movement performed in this Taijutsu are large and dramatic, making strikes by this style done to its fullest potential. The style involves strikes with the palm and fist, with kicks usually airbourne. Every movement in the style requires quick attacks and blocks, using velocity to increase power rather then sheer work of muscles.


- Basis: Ninjutsu.



- So now we get straight into the mix. A person who trains in this style is considered to be a true warrior who will never back down from a challenge. The basics of Ryuujin-Fu are taught at this level. Damage in the form of receiving and giving take a backseat to training ones flame affinity and agility at the beginning of training. A practitioners strikes are somewhat basic and take the form of standard kicks and punches or in some cases palm strikes. Users focus upon going from standing still too full speed in the form of a harsh dash that lunges themselves towards their opponents in an array of flame and power. Katon control at this level is somewhat basic, only giving the user a faint glow around his fists/feet as he uses them in combat, only a slight amount of heat is given off not allowing for any real damage.

- Special Techniques:
- Ryuujin No Deme; Eyes Of The Dragon God Technique.
-- This technique is used throughout the duration of using this Taijutsu. It is basically an intimidation technique, used to scare the opponent into false power, but it serves a more useful purpose as well. The users eyes turn a fiery red, glowing, acting almost as if it were a false doujutsu or a false demon. But the true purpose of this technique is to extinguish the glare of bright lights. At this level it may seem somewhat useless, but later as the style progresses, flames on the fist can grow to such large amounts that it can harm the eyes after constant use of the Taijutsu. If the opponent is of equal rank or lower than the user and he/she makes contact with someone utilizing this technique they are stopped in their tracks.


- Time to pump it up, kid. There's no more time to slack off as you get into the nit and gritty of Ryuujin-Fu in all it's glory. The offense of a practitioner of this style begins to shift from a somewhat basic mindset into something of an offensive demon. Any user of this stlye is prone to charge headfirst into battle with their limbs blazing as they use their fists and feet as their main offensive weapons as they are coated in flame. Small acrobatic feats tend to become commonplace as the user focuses around making the enemy play to his own game. Katon control at this level is a small flame that encircles the entire hands and feet of the user. The flames at this stage are able to singe skin if contact is maintained along with burning clothing but require frequent strikes in the same area in order to attain the same result.

- Regular Techniques:
- Yoen no Jutsu; Burning Embers Technique.
-- A somewhat basic technique but it works regardless. By making contact with the opponent the user maintains a vicegrip upon the area that is grabbed. Normally this technique seems rather foolish but as Katon control increases with the style itself the damage this can do is amazing.


- Now your getting the hang of it. The body of a Ryuujin-Fu user now begins to tone itself out more and more as the user becomes a true fire demon. The ability of his katons begins to stretch the normal limits that have impeeded his power before. The flame now extends from the hands and feet of the user by 5 inches at this stage. The damage caused by the flames have not increased, merely the range and intensity of the glow which has now taken on something similar to a bush fire. At this stage the ability to use ones flames as a defense are taught as well as the user can now grab oncoming attacks or block them with their hands/legs in order to burn their opponent in turn for their attacks.


- The training that each and every practitioner of Ryuujin-Fu goes through at this point intensifies as every aspect of the style begins to increase. The strength behind every blow now has reached amazing heights as the flames seem to eat their own creator as their power consumes even the greatest of foes. Katon strength at this level can cause 1st degree burns if a direct blow is landed upon exposed skin. The flames can burn through clothing if contact is made and if prolonged exposure occurs the results are not pleasant. Acrobatics and other agile displays become more apparant as the only defense for most Ryuujin-Fu users is dodging the attack entirely. The length of the flames has now increased by an extra two inches.


- The mastery of Ryuujin-Fu seems so close and yet it is somewhat far off as practitioners reach this new level of power. The power of ones katons do not increase in this level but the rage of the flames themselves do. One can tell a Ryuujin-Fu user apart from others now as the fires that they normally use for offensive can be seen burning forever behind their pupils. Their rage knows no bounds. The length of the users flames now extend from his hands to his elbows and from his feet to his knees. Once again one can only assume that the flames are consuming his own body as their color begins to shift from a dark orange to a now light shade of blue/orange mixture. Offense becomes a new priority as fist strikes shift from palm strikes to fist strikes, depending on what the occasion calls for. The users speed at this level tends to make them look like a red blur across the battlefield.


- The final step before the grand staircase of training ends. This is the level that divides the real warriors from the rest. The entire length of ones flames have reached their maximum level (same as Stage 5) but at this stage the power behind each and every strike has increased. The flames are now able to cause 2nd degree burns to exposed flesh if they maintain contact for more than one second. Speed and strength blend together perfectly as the user moves as a red blur across the battlefield and leaving nothing but ash and flames behind him at this point. Defense is nothing but a word as the rage behind each and every strike within this style brings a new meaning to the word: Offensive.


- The true mastery of Ryuujin-Fu has now been reached. No longer is the user a man... he is the living embodiment of rage and flame. The power of their flames have now reached the ability to cause third degree burns to exposed skin, making a master of style a true weapon indeed. The fact that their flames now eat anything they can touch only makes the speed of Ryuujin-Fu users even more horrifying. Mere pigments of color to anything that is watching, one can feel the heat from their bodies long before they could ever feel a blow coming, but by that point it is almost too late. Very few people could ever hope to reach this level of strength because at this point in their life they have probably been consumed by their own rage and power...returning them to the ash from once they came.

Posts : 46
Join date : 2008-08-14
Age : 30


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